Being fit is attractive

If you are looking for basic fighting, cardio, yoga program, think again, it depends on your diet plan and your DNA structure, it's not easy to define the best program for you. We do have real experience teachers who are going to train you on yoga, meditation, nutrition, diet plans, fighting skills with whole day program along with we will be taking care of your mind and body. Detox your body and give a good life along with thai massage, deep tissue massage and aroma therapy. Lot of musical and spiritual programs at night in awesome sea side view.
It might not be that easy to choose the best program for you, if you are looking for basic fighting, cardio or yoga program, as it depends on your diet plan and of course your DNA structure. With our well experienced teachers, who will be helping you to train you on yoga, meditation, nutrition, diet plans, fighting skills, as well as your mind and body will be taken care of, in a whole day program. Detox your body and get yourself a good life with Thai massage, deep tissue massage and aroma therapy, along with lots of musical and spiritual programs at night in awesome sea side view.
Yoga, as we believe, is a lifestyle, an art of conscientious living or an integrated system for the benefit of the body, mind and inner soul. Thousands of years ago, the art of yoga was originated in India and is perfected with time and practiced. Indo-Aryans who composed the 'Upanishads' and 'Puranas', in the later Vedic and post-Vedic period, have yoga references present in them. Patanjali, who wrote 'Yoga Sutra', about two thousand years ago, must be credited for systematizing yoga. He sketched the principles of the full eight fold yogic discipline and composed the work in brief code words called 'Sutras'. The most important basic text on Yoga is 'Yoga Sutra'. The essential message of yoga is spread all across the globe with the help of this basic treatise.
For bringing back the body balance, we recommend our most popular 9 day detox program. The programme delivers great results, even if you have never gone through a detox, leaving you cleansed, and lighter in body and mind. For people having limited amount of time, we have a shorter 5 day programme, though slightly less intense, but can still deliver clearly noticeable results. To ease in and out of the programme, it is recommended that you allow an additional one or two nights on either side of your detox, although it is not necessarily required.
Yoga aims at the attainment of the physical, mental and spiritual health. Patanjali has recommended eight stages of Yoga discipline.

Cardio Program

The 14 Days of Cardio Blast is a bodyweight equipment-free high burn oriented program designed to slim you down and tone you up.

Body Building

For anyone looking to pack on some serious muscle mass, one of the top priorities will be to determine what the best bodybuilding workout to follow is. There are a wide range of different workouts available, so choosing the one that will suit your needs best is important.

Mixed Martial Arts Classes

It is a hybrid form of martial arts that does not follow any fixed rules like those of the traditional martial art form. It allows you to combat with mixed martial art techniques that are a result of many combined martial art moves.

Spiritual training Classes

Do you want to learn about the 6000 years old technology which can heal your body and mind? The Sanskrit and Sindhu Guru is waiting for you to share his wisdom.

What People Says

Success Stories

George Gogohia build his body in just 2 months

One of the best training program I had in my life.

John Collins

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Adam Ross

Far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Our Experienced Trainers

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name

Oakley Marx

Physical Excercise, Yoga, Nutrition, Meditation


Yoga Trainer

Alysha Reed

Body Building Trainer

George Cooper

Body Building Trainer

Our Classes

The leading fitness program


Fitness Gym & Cardio

Everyone has a different fitness goal. Our trainers are here to help you meet and break them. But it’s not just about getting you fit. Our trainers will help you unlock your full fitness potential. With the right workout, you’ll find yourself moving, and even standing better.

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Strength Training

The Bodyweight Course teaches you how to get a powerlifting-quality strength workout, anytime, anywhere, and using only your bodyweight as resistance.Even more importantly, this Course approaches bodyweight exercise with the same principles that underline our kettlebell and barbell training. We have looked at what makes people strong and applied what we’ve learned to training without equipment.

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Yoga Program

Finding your ideal form of yoga is kind of like dating: you may need to try out a few types before finding your perfect match. Remember, all yoga will help you improve flexibility, balance, and strength – it’s simply a matter of finding a style that will inspire you to commit to a long-term program.

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Organized by: Noah Henderson



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